Feel free to use any pictures you would like from my blog, but I would like recognition please!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

English Again

This morning was the monthly East Coulee Breakfast, where the community members put on a breakfast and we all go to eat it. It raises money for the community and the food is awesome and way more than you can eat, so we try to go every month.

Since its only 10 minutes from the barn where my ponies are, I thought I should go see them. As soon as I got there, the wind got ferocious, granted it might have been bad before, but the barn is on top of a hill and any wind there is worse than anywhere around I'm sure.

So we went in a visited inside for a while, then I decided I better go see my ponies and I caught them, but they wanted to stay hidden out in behind the windbreak, but I finally convinced them to come inside where there was no wind. I have to watch as I lead them together cause if I don't pay attention to Princess, she bites Razz, horses!

Anyway I just brushed and fed Razz and decided to ride Princess in my English saddle again. Wow, I haven't improved miraculously from Friday, lol. I shortened my stirrups one hole and that helped, but it just feels like I have nothing to hold me in, I guess I am too used to my western saddle. We did quite a bit of trotting and I did lots of circles, and its kinda hard with Princess (but good for her) that she slows down every time I start leaning one way or another. Its kinda funny, but gives me a chance to even up again. I'm sure it would look weird to everyone else though.

Anyways some pics of Happy Horses:
Princess (wondering why I'm shining a bright light in her face while trying to eat):

and Razz (not interested in me):

Friday, January 29, 2010

English Riding and Pain Free (almost)

Well I got inspired by Adventures of A Horse Crazed Mind to try English riding. So since I have been thinking about it for a while, I have the saddle and pads and so I thought what the heck, I can do this. Wow, I forgot I don't have any balance! I did enjoy it for the small ride on Princess, about 25 minutes. Mostly trot and walk, was feeling out of control for the corners, so didn't want to attempt a canter yet. She was sure a lot more sensitive to leg pressure without anything between my leg and her though. The best part is, I got off center and she just stops and waits for me, lol.

I rode Razz as well and discovered she doesn't like to bend her neck for some reason, thinking its still part of the stiffness, so I made it a big deal to turn and get a bend, we did many circles going left, before we could go straight again, to the right it wasn't so bad. I never noticed this before except in a tight circle, cause she turns when you pick up the rein, but its a stiff turn.

The restorers came and delivered all our stuff back and it sure doesn't look like much.

I also got an email from the guy I traded my Belgians to, and he has them driving and is gonna send me some pics of them, I'm so excited. So I sent him one of me riding Princess and gypsy getting all fat and furry. The want to see her foal, because she used to be his wife's riding horse, so I wanna get some good ones of that.

Oh ya, I am still almost pain free in my shoulder, I should never underestimate my chiropractor, he knew what he was talking about, wow, I still cant believe it doesn't hurt, except a little tender, but wow!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

3rd Massage

I went back for another massage today, and I think its working. My hip is feeling almost better and the swelling has finally gone down. My shoulder is still sore, but I hope it is getting better. Afterwards I had a chiropractor appointment, and he asked about my shoulder and said my shoulder blade could be out, so he rotated it and it feels fantastic. A little tender, but I can actually move a little without hurting!!

And our dogs didn't have any porcupines today, whew.

Our stuff from the basement is coming back tomorrow and we are only getting 4 out of 32 pages of stuff back. The rest our insurance company is gonna pay for us to replace it. I think most of it we really don't need and wont replace with identical stuff, but that's alright:)

Not a recent pic, but from 08 on a trail ride, just to remind us summer is coming. Thats me in the puddle, with Bailey drinkin.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gonna Go A Huntin'

So after all the quills yesterday, I thought we would be done for a while, usually they get kinda cautious around them for a while cause it hurts. Well I think the saying no sense no feeling pretty much sums up the puppy. She came up this morning with more quills in her than yesterday and so we pulled them out again, hopefully she learns this time. Betty-Sue must be getting smarter cause she never had any this morning. (whew) I missed getting a picture cause by the time I got my camera, Neil was already pulling the quills, so I went to help him.

So when Neil went out to feed his cows this morning he took the gun to go find this mysterious porcupine (we haven't seen him) but still never found him. Neil thought he was in the oat bales, but I will have to go look and make sure hes not eating my trees like the one this summer in the crab apple tree in the garden. (he's not bothering us anymore, lol)

Apparently it used to be illegal to kill a porcupine in our area because they were considered a survival food. When you were living out here and starving, you could catch up to a porcupine and kill it with a stick cause they are slow. There are no people out here starving anymore or even just passing through, so that's not the case anymore and its a good thing too, cause I don't like them getting the dogs.

On other notes, I have been working on my cross-stitch:

And the basement is coming together, its primed and molding put up and today they are working on the floor.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well I had been taking it easy and still using my arm, but trying not to overuse it, when on Monday Neil says he has a cow with porcupine quills in her nose so hes gonna run her home and pull them out. No big deal, then later that afternoon he asks if I can help him. I was thinking I'm pretty useless right now, but sure why not. Apparently both dogs had quills in there faces. The puppy only had a couple under her jaw so Neil pulled them quite easy, but Betty-Sue is afraid of Neil (not cause hes mean, but he just never pets her or catches her unless he needs to) So he wanted me to hold her while he pulled them. Of course she had like 12 in her nose. And she whines and cries and I almost lost her about 3 times, but we got them and I held her till she was calm and she just walked away, so I gave them some treats. But my arm was really sore after that!

So today was riding day and I wasn't gonna go cause my sore arm and it was -15C outside, but I had to go to town to return a movie anyways so I stopped up there. I caught both the girls (they are leading well together now) and brushed up Razz and saddled her, still not sure I was gonna ride. But I did and it wasn't as bad as I thought. We didn't lope, which was prolly good for her anyways because every time I ride alone, she wants to lope, even before I ask her to.

We stopped for a coffee break and to warm up and I decided I want gonna ride Princess, but since she was already in, I brushed her and then turned her out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I don't have anything really horsey going on so I thought Id mention the boy Dinero.

I was humming and hawing a few years I wanted to get another paint horse and since I am a member of the paint horse association.

I had a baby same time as Bailey (04) and she was sweet. She was a red roan tobiano and cute as a button. (I have pics of her but that was before digital and I'm not sure I can remember how to scan) When she was 18 months old (it was January) and we had been working on tying and leading for many months and she was pretty good about it, a little hard to catch, but had been tied many a time before and led all over the place. I had tied her and Bailey up one morning cause I wanted to brush them and stuff. It was a warm day and the ground was kinda muddy, but not deep or anything. Well after about 10 minutes of brushing Bailey, I look over and there was Brandy kinda pulling back. I never worried too much about it cause she wasn't pulling very hard, just kinda holding at the end of the lead rope. Next thing I knew she slipped and was laying on the ground. I quickly untied the rope (thank goodness for quick release knots) and she wasn't getting up. Uh-oh I got really worried and after grabbing her back legs and moving them around, I knew she was paralyzed. Of course Neil wasn't home, so I called my vet to come out and put her down cause I didn't know what else to do. He said he will bring the truck and maybe there's something he could so. I already knew in my heart this was it for her. She was so scared and so I tried to comfort her and Bailey kept putting her nose on her. Of course when he came, he figured there wasn't anything he could do. The vet said he can't euthanize a horse with drugs unless there is a spot to bury her so nothing will get into the drugs. I didn't want anything eating her anyways, so I called Neil and he called the neighbor who come over with his backhoe and dug us a hole. Not an easy feat in January in Alberta. The vet warned me the drugs may not work cause she was so scared and had so much adrenaline and he also brought his gun as well. Well he was right, she didn't even slow down her breathing, so he shot her and it was quick and painless for her. I always have felt so bad about her, even though I know deep down I didn't do anything wrong, she has been trained to tie, the rope was the right length and the right height, it was just bad circumstances. I felt to bad, not just for me but for Bailey cause they were bestest friends, I have pics of them eating out of the same dish (it was so cute, ill try to scan later.)

So being a member of the APHA, I keep getting the mail from them and everyone I read about who when to the world show said it was great and FUN, well I like fun and most horse shows are more stress than fun, so i thought maybe I should go. Well of course you need a paint horse to go, so in the fall of 08 I began looking for one. I didn't know what i wanted yet, but I figured I would when I seen him/her. I was kinda hoping for a horse that had been shown some and kinda knew what they were doing. I wasn't even sure on a event (I'm still not, lol) and I didn't care mare or gelding. Well I seen Dinero that year as a weanling, but he was out of my price range for a baby. Even though he was outta Simply Cinnamon and ever since I had seen Simply Cinnamon,I wanted a baby from him.

So I kept looking, not really seeing anything worth buying, except a really nice gelding. 16 years old, lots of show points, but....$12,000! I wanted a world show horse, but I might be afraid to ride a horse worth that much!

So in the spring of 09, Dinero was listed for sale again, the owner was young and wanted to raise a colt to barrel race, but got a great deal on a horse she could run on right now, so she had to sell him to make room for the new horse, and he was cheaper too! I emailed her and set a day to come see him, and since I was pretty sure, barring any obvious problems, he was coming home, I took my trailer. He was even nicer in person than on the ad. So sweet and friendly, and we took him out to the front yard and cars were going by and kids in wagons and dogs barking, even a tractor and he just looked around and went to eating grass. That was the selling point right there. If he can be comfortable within minutes with a stranger and all that commotion, he was an excellent candidate for me. So we loaded him up and headed home. He had never been trailered before, but she had been feeding him in the trailer for a few days, so he was easy to load and I just left him loose in the front compartment of the stock trailer and he traveled home perfect, hardly moved at all.

He couldnt believe I was really turning him into the big pasture, lol

I had taken a friend with me, so I dropped her off and went home and it was dark when i got here, so I stopped at the house to tell Neil where I was putting him for the night (we were calving heifers, so the corrals were all full) I put him where the water was and the heifers can have water in the morning, and I moved him when I could see what I was doing. Neil asked if I needed help and i said "what can go wrong, I have a yearling who doesn't know me or my corrals, never been trailered on the trailer for 3 hours and its dark?" anyways all was good, I backed up just about to the gate and had it open and when i led him off, he was more interested in the grass than running of or being silly. So I put him there, gave him some hay and went to bed.

In the morning I went out and this is what I see:

He was looking at the cows, I guess he'd never seen cows before, never thought of that. So I moved him through the cows and all he wanted to do was sniff them, not afraid at all. I put him in another pen not getting used and he stayed there for a few weeks till we got him gelded, then he went in with George, Neils horse for a while and he's been a sweet heart the whole time, no matter what you want to do with him, so far he seems like a good choice, however if Id known I was gonna end up with Razz, I might not have gotten him, cause she woulda been a good, but slightly hotter, prospect as well (and still might be if I can't part with her)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Riding and Scrapbooking

On Friday I went riding with the thoughts my friend Linda was coming, but she couldn't, so I rode both horses.

Princess was really good, but now we got her moving and a lot more sensitized, she doesn't want to stand still and wait, so we spent quite a bit of time doing that. She is getting more and more fun to ride as well and I cant wait to got riding outside with cows on her.

Bailey, Dinero and Liberty in the shed
Razz was very impatient waiting in the barn for me to finish riding. I could here her whinnying and pawing ans when we ignored her, she would paw the stall wall. So I purposely waited longer till she was quiet and then we paid attention to her. I have never left her in the barn alone before I guess.

Liberty in the shed, I made this into 11x14 to frame

She was in a super speedy mood, not sure if it was from standing around being anxious or just her. Her turns are better to the left then the right. I never noticed before, but once my shoulder was sore, I appreciated that she turns easy on my sore shoulder way.

I have noticed before her neck always was tight and never thought too much about it because Princess is so different and her neck has a lot more fat and stuff so I thought it was just Razz. Jardi has taken massage course and has massaged a few of my other horses with great success, so I asked her about it. She checked her back and it was fine, but her poll was very very stiff, so one day next week she may massage her. She also said foals will nurse on the same side 90% of the time so they're necks are stronger on one side than the other. I did not know this, has anyone else heard this? Anyways after all this, I think she turns left easier because of a stiff neck. So we will see how it worked.

After riding, I went to my moms in Olds for a evening of scrapbooking. There were 10 people there!! It was a lot of fun, we had flatbread pizzas for supper and even though I never got a lot done (cause I was hurting) it was good to visit with my mom and sister. I stayed at my moms overnight cause the scrapbooking went from5-midnight. Today I come home and am not doing much today except computering.

I shoulda gone to the barn today as well, but I was trying to think of any excuse to not go, from "Lu is expecting me", to "I'll just go feed and groom them" so I just decided I was tired and sore and will go another day when I fell better and enjoy it more.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Okay I guess I better explain my dogs, I never think of it, until someone asks if they are Border Collies. They aren't, not even close. They are a Russo-European Laika, or in english a Russian Bear Dog. They come from Poland and are bred to chase bears into trees and keep them there till us slow hunters can get to them. I always joke they are working, cause they have kept all the bears out of our yard, lol.

We got Betty-Sue from our hunters about 7 years ago when they just dropped her and a brother off here as thanks for letting them hunt. Not looking for a dog, Neil gave the brother to a friend of his and kept the female. Last summer they called and asked if they could come out one day and we were kinda suspicious, but anyways they came with two puppies again and how can one resist this cuteness?

So we picked the female and they took the male to someone else, even though again we didnt want another dog, but they are great farm dogs. They stay outside all the time, even in winter which is what tehy prefer. We have doghouses and a heated shop they can go into and rarely do unless the wind is blowing. They dont chase cows or horses which is good cause we have both in the yard. ANd they dont wander, I think they are kinda chicken, cause they will go with us when we leave the yard, but rarely alone. They follow Neil when he feeds cows, but not when he goes to town, how do they know? Not sure, but I couldnt ask for a better farm dog.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2nd Massage

So today was the day I went back for a massage. I told him my arm was sorer and more tired than ever before, and he says that's okay!!!

I couldn't believe that and I'm sure I looked like it too cause he said it happens a lot through the healing process, some days are really bad and some days feel great. He put heat and cold on my shoulder and laser. My hip he massaged and scraped again, but a little less than last time. I wore shorts and a tank top this time and it was much more comfortable.

I LOVE when stuff is on sale. I went to buy horse mineral and super glue (I broke the antenna off the phone) and the glue was cheaper then the shelf price and the mineral was on sale in the flyer which I never read.

The puppy was playing in the yard yesterday and it was so funny I had to get the camera, she ran around the bushes,

and across the driveway

and back again

She just couldn't seem to stand still, even long enough to let me pet her, she just wanted to run! But it sure was fun, cant help but be in a good mood when the dogs are so happy.

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 19, 2010

Today I went riding at our weekly lessons, but I might as well stayed home. I rode Razz first and she was really good, still gets a little excited when we want to just trot, thinking we are gonna lope, but otherwise good.

Princess was really good as well, I never loped her, but she did everything I asked, needs more work on moving sideways away from leg pressure.

My hip was a little sore, but I never worried about it too much, it doesn't seem to hurt when I'm riding, so that's good, but I am always worried about getting off.

My arm however was another story, all week it has been a little sore, more like really tired and heavy. Well after about 10 minutes, I didn't want to ride anymore it was so sore. So I only did stuff to the right, which isn't good, but I didn't want to get off so quick. I mounted and dismounted Razz from the mounting block and shes good about it. Princess just wants to wander and then stop about one step too far.

Shirley mentioned I should tell everyone especially US readers why there is a giant dinosaur in Drum, and until she mentioned it I never even thought that everyone didn't know, lol.

The Giant Dinosaur is here because everything Drumheller is related to dinosaurs

Drumheller is known as dinosaur capital of the world, because in the 1800s when white people settled the area, a dinosaur skull was found on the banks of the river. It was an Albertasoraus. Ever since then, dinosaurs have been dug up and The Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology was located there as well. It has many exhibits of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures to look at.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday we went back to Drum cause my mom and husband we bowling there so we met them and had supper with them and Clint won the tournament!!

But the picture I wanted to get was:

They made giant mittens for the Giant Dinosaur!!

It was sooo cool. And since we had never been up in him, we thought why not go. Its a long ways up. I got Neil posing inside:

And me in his mouth!

All in all, it was fun, but i think the pictures from the mouth of the dinosaur would be way better in the summer when the river is flowing and the trees and grass are green.

And this afternoon, I was outside cause it was so warm and Im not sure its not too warm, cause our grass is turning green all over the lawn:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Riding and Olympic Torch Celebration

Finally a chance to blog, I have been kinda busy the last two days.

On Friday, I was going to visit my friend Linda in Drum and we were gonna pickup my horses and take them to where she had to pick up a dog and ride there. Well when I got ready to leave, hooking up the trailer, it had a flat tire. So Neil changed it and off I went half hour late. I met Linda and we did a few things in town then went up to the barn. We got there and decided to just ride there and go get the dog later. So she rode Princess and I rode Razz and we didn't do a lot (but it took us two hours), just riding in the ring and showing Linda what we do in lessons, cause she never gets to do fun stuff like this, its always work when she rides (shes a lease rider).

On Friday night after I got home, we had a community party at Homestead hall with supper and darts. I never played cause of my shoulder, but it was lots of fun anyways.

Then Saturday, the Olympic torch went through Drum, so I thought I had better go, so I met Barb and friends at her house to walk over to the Passion Play site cause parking is limited there. We walked across the train bridge

Then they had all sorts of entertainment before the torch came in, like the First Nations dancer:

Then Corb Lund played some music for us

Then this guy painted a picture while the canvas was spinning around the whole time:

Here's the finished picture, actually turned out alright, a torch bearer (shoulda guessed that)

Then coke came out and played drums and had some girl with hula hoop doing back flips and stuff, I have a video but don't know how to play it yet.

Then Jenn from Canadian idol played us a song, and finally time for the torch to come in and light the cauldron and I have a video of this, I'm gonna have to figure out how to get it to run

Then a bunch of speeches and a photo gallery of old torch runs

The the guy running from Drum to the next stop lit his torch

Then me and some friends got our pictures with the mascots

And there's one more picture I haven't gotten yet, but it's awesome and will prolly post tomorrow.

Afterwards Barb made us overnight french toast and sausage, then we went riding and I rode Razz and Barb rode her horse. Wow Razz can have some speed, she was trying to cut corners on the one end at the canter, so I kept trying to push her out with my leg and she wasn't listening, so I asked a little harder and she sped up it was kinda fun, cause it was still controllable, but boy was it fast! and she did move away from the pole that time too.

I only got to ride one, cause they were so dirty that it took forever to get them half decently clean where the saddle goes anyways, didn't worry about legs cause they will get dirty again. Razz isn't as bad, cause she lays down but doesn't roll much and Princess gets all over, nose to tail is mud, I wish I had a picture, but I forgot the camera. Well mud's not over yet, so there's still a chance.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well I just came home from a massage. One would think that would be a good thing?? Well I got a sports massage and it hurt!! I have a bad hip and knee and shoulder and pretty well my whole left side has ached since sept. My knee I had injured in high school and I can deal with that. My hip on day I just got up and it was so sore i couldnt put any wight on it without falling over, not good. I had been going to the chiro and he helped a little, but it just wasnt healing right and I suggested massage and he thought that was a great idea, so I went. My arm was sore, but got better and now its sore again so I had him look at it again.

My hip he said no problem, we can fix that up pretty easily, just some really tight muscles and it wont be too bad.

My arm/shoulder that I thought wasnt that bad, apperently had issues. He thinks its a repetitive injury (from forking hay over the fence prolly) and I tore a muscle and it healed (so it felt better), but it healed in the wrong place. And because of that, its working like its not supposed to, so it hurts again. So now he has to remove it and get it to heal back where it should be.

Well let me say it HURTS!! I kinda was worried about that, but everone said it wouldnt be so bad, and it prolly wouldnt if I went sooner. But it will all be worth it if I can get back to normal without pain.

On a happier note, I talked my friend Linda into coming riding with me tommorow!! should be fun, I have been trying to talk her into it all winter and she finally is coming tommorow. I will get her to ride Princess and I will ride Razz.

O and since I am "Supposed" to be resting the arm and leg, I started a cross stitch:

If it turns out like the picture and I get it done on time, I may put it in the fall fair in Hanna and fulfill another resolution. Liek killing two birds with one stone, resting and working on resolutions/goals.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well Lu asked me a question the other day that really got me thinking. She said which horse is your favorite? Innocent enough question and if asked last year, I woulda had an answer instantly: Bailey. However I really couldn't decide. I still like Bailey and always will, shes energetic and athletic and makes me think. But I also like Razz and am liking her more after every ride. And Dinero, I love his personality and he just wants to do whatever is asked of him, but that might change once I start riding him, I'm not sure how that will be. And Belle, I don't like riding her, and neither does she, but shes such a sweet horse and I love her confirmation. Princess is so easy to ride and so relaxing I don't have to worry about her at all. Gypsy is the only one I'm not sure of, she is pregnant so I am not riding her now, but she was pretty nice this fall and is super broke and am kinda looking forward to the fall and her baby is weaned.

So which is my favorite, I love them all, that is so weird for me cause I have always had one which I like, but not the same as now, when i really like them all.

So I thought of it the other way, which one would I sell if I had too? I couldn't really come up with an answer to that. I think it would be Belle, just cause we don't ride her, but no one else prolly would either and I would rather have her here than useless or unhappy with someone else.

But I think Bailey is still the favorite, she has taught me so much and the trust she has in me just blows me away. Not saying she doesn't have "those" days, but even then, we still get along great and can get anything done.

In other news, Our carpenters came back yesterday and started working on the basement. It looks smaller now that there is drywall up:

They are coming back next week to finish taping the joints and install the roof tiles.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sure Feels Like Spring

Wow I cant believe the warm weather we've been having! I know we always get Chinooks in the winter, but after forever of super cold, I wasn't sure it would ever warm up again. We haven't even frozen in the last two nights, and our snow is almost gone.

I rode Razz today and she was filthy!! It took forever to get her clean and her white legs never did look clean, but we rode anyways (and shes prolly dirty again) Our ride went well and we had her confused, I guess I have never done figure eights on her and so that was a new one. We did a lot of circles thought the center of the arena, but always kept going the same direction, but it didn't take long for her to catch on.
Princess, we made it a little harder, we did figure eights with some rollbacks thrown in, and she was pretty good about that. We have been working on her backup cause I don't think she was ever asked to back before I got her. She is okay if you let her stop then back, but if you want it all at once, she throws her nose in the air, but she'll get over that too. She's getting fun to ride again and I cant wait to get her working cows this summer, bet shes lots of fun. Nothing like knowing whatever you do, she is 100% safe to ride in any situation. Gives a lot of confidence, even to me who rides at least twice a week.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Awesome Weather!

My Internet has been out most of the weekend. Its back on for a while and actually it wasn't that bad, I went and rode yesterday which I prolly wouldn't have if I had Internet, but at least the weather has warmed up here. WOO HOO!!!
I went riding on Friday and rode Razz and every time we are out working in the arena alone, she is thinking lope, but is really slow when others are riding as well, guess we are gonnna have to work on that too. Then after coffee to warm up, I rode Princess and another boarder Justin was there, so we rode together. I am so happy with Princess I actually loped on her and it was sooo easy, shes starting to listen to my leg so much better. I am glad Jardi rode her and got her a little more responsive, it made it so much easier for me, now I just have to keep it up.

On Saturday, it was 3C so we went on a trail ride and I took Razz. There was about 6-8 inches of snow, just starting to compress and get heavy, so they really had to work hard to walk through it. Razz is kinda unsure going down hills so that was interesting, at least it wasn't slippery. The best thing I like about her on the trail is she doesn't change speeds, even when the others are far away or on the way home. She just always walks kinda slow. I had to ask her to trot a few times to catch up and she is really good, just a nice jog and slows right down into a walk when we get closer.

This is the sunset on Friday night, I thought it just looked cool over the calf pen.

Then when I went out Saturday morning I accidentally took this shot of Belle and Dinero sharing an oats pile and I thought it was neat and Neil thinks I should us it as a card cover, so that's a pretty good compliment I think! I cant believe hes the same size as her, maybe bigger and hes only 2, although he is supposed to make 15 1 or 2, so I guess, but it just looks weird. I guess hes not a baby anymore.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well since I been mentioning history on some of my other horses, I thought maybe Gypsy's turn had come. She is a 14 year old paint horse. I have only had her since October 18, same day as I got Princess. I had an ad on Northern Horse to sell my Belgians cause I wasn't using them. I had numerous calls and emails about them but no one wanted to strait out buy them, so I put in I might be interested in an AQHA or APHA mares or young horses. I got a few calls, but nothing I was really interested in, until Rick emailed about them and he has numerous horses. So I thought I am gonna pick the most brokest sanest ones he has and we ended up with two broke horses for my two and harness. This worked well for us both cause he breeds roan Hancock quarter horses so neither Gypsy or Princess really fit. And what do I need harness I didn't really like for anyways.

Gypsy was a first horse for his wife to learn on and now she wasn't riding her anymore so they had bred her for a few years now. Last year she had a bay roan solid filly and I am expecting similar cause shes bred back the same way. Afterwards I am gonna ride her and either end up selling her to a kid (who are already asking about her) or keeping her for my mom to ride. The day I went up there to try them out, he just saddled her up and we rode in the pen right beside her colt and she wasn't worried at all, a little lazy and out of shape, but for not being ridden for 3 or so years, I though she did pretty good. She knows some pretty fancy stuff and I can't wait to get on her in the fall and try it out!

When I bred Belle last spring I never expected to have 3 bred mares, but when doing something new, why not jump right in with both feet! It kinda makes me feel better having Gypsy around cause I know shes done it before and that's little less worrisome for me. Gypsy is due on April 21st which isn't really relaxing cause it can be pretty stormy that weekend and I have no barn, but we can use the run in sheds fenced off with lots of straw if I have too. Belle is due about mid May and Razz first week of June, so if all goes as planned (ya right like that ever works!) I will have time in between to rest.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More Razz...and Belle

Well I braved the cold and snow again to go ride my pregnant horse, I got to get as many rides in this month as I can so I can give her a break and next fall she will just come back as good as now (I hope). We rode indoors again, however there was another piece of plywood torn off the ceiling of the arena and it was snowing inside, so of course the horses didn't want to walk over the snow eating monster till we had a break and stood on the snow, then they always wanted to head towards it!

Razz is improving so much at the lope, today we got at least two full revolutions each direction without slowing down, and when I asked her to stop, WOW it was now!, she popped me up outta the saddle, I was sitting back, but it was such a hard stop I couldn't stay there. I guess she does know how to stop hard, she just was getting used to me and me to her, cause every time now its way way better.

Jardi rode Princess again and she goes into the lope so much easier now and doesn't even try to slow down or stop until she is asked too. I am gonna ride her on Friday (weather permitting) and hopefully she will listen to me as well.

When I bred Belle this spring, it was kinda spur of the moment, I had tried riding her and shes so scared, so I had Jardi ride her and she was just afraid of everything, the same after 2 weeks as the first day, so I called up my neighbor (where I bought her) and asked if he was still breeding mares, cause he told me I could bring her up sometime to get bred for free. (I really like her, she is very sweet and nice confirmation, if I would rode her with more confidence when I got her, I don't think she woulda ended up like this) Anyways he says bring her up tomorrow and we will look at the stallions and decide who to breed her too. So I went up the next day and her dad was in the close field with 3 mares cause he's like 21, so we just kinda ignored him and went to look at the other two. One was a really really nice red roan, but they just got him this spring at 8 and didn't know him that well but he seemed a little rough with the mares. So we went and looked at Joe, a four year old outta a AQHA champion. Joe was stepped on as a baby and broke his knee, but seemed healed up so he was started, but they were afraid he'd break down if rode to hard so they never gelded him and thought they'd see what he was like. Well so far in his first breeding season, hes a little timid around the mares and wasn't afraid to come up to us in the pasture, so I decided that's where Belle should go.
Anyways long story short, I got a letter from AQHA saying I needed to do a DNA test on Belle before I could register the foal, I had no idea about this, so I just agreed and sent the info back and have been waiting a month or so for the test to get back. I got a letter from AQHA and I was so excited about the test finally getting her I never looked at the outside so imagine my surprise when this fell out!

A few years ago I joined the horseback riding program and at the same time I joined the all breeds program. I never had many horses be for this year (except the Belgians) who weren't registered quarter horses so the all breeds program wasn't getting much attention, until this fall I could add in all the hours on Princess and Razz and I guess I finally made 50 and never noticed, but was kinda disappointed even though those were a hard 50 hours to get, never mind I have over 300 in the regular program. I also joined the paint horse Ride America program that is similar except its not any paint horse, the record stays with the horse, so its kinda neat to keep track of hours a certain horse has. I have only started with Razz's (It kinda feels like cheating cause I am entering her hours with the paint and the all breeds QH program) I just started hers in December, so she only has like 8 hours so far, but she will get more.

They are saying the weather after tomorrow is supposed to be above average for two weeks! I can's wait, except if its too warm I might be getting mud. I was getting a little worried about the horses in the pasture cause the snow was getting kinda deep in certain areas and I don't want Gypsy and Belle losing weight, but I didn't really want to bring them into the corral yet, so the warm weather will be a blessing for us both. I wont need to worry as much and they can still get exercise without losing weight.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I started my news year list off. Already got one book read. Its called Bronx Justice by Joseph Teller and if you like crime novels this is a good one, I stayed up till 1:30 last night cause I had to finish it.

Speaking of books, I also started reading Horse Lovers Daily Companion 365 days of tips and inspiration for living a Joyful Life with your Horse by Andrea Pavia.

So far I have read about Appaloosas, trail riding and today was Alexanders Horse. Its kinda interesting, some stuff I already knew, but also some new stuff, kinda hard to stop reading when the next topics look interesting though.

I went outside to take some pics of dogs and the snow was sparkling!! it was soo cool!!

I did get a picture of the dogs together this time although its very hard because puppy wants to be where we are always and Betty sue doesn't unless I bend over then she comes for pets (or if there's the chance of food, lol)

I called my friend Linda, whose husband is working out of town for the winter, and we set up a coffee date to catch up, I can't wait, even though its two weeks away.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I want summer!!

Man I am sick of winter, I know its only January second, but we have ahd such a long cold snap, like 4 weeks of below -10C and I cant stand it anymore!!
Okay Im done ranting for today, but I really do want summer. I been trying to get Neil to go somewhere warm in the winter, but hes not interested, he likes winter cause he doesnt have to work much cause its cold out so he can stay inside. This is what I see everytime I go outside, so it always cheers me up

Well I went riding today anyways, cause its only gonna be a little while I can still ride Razz and I want to get her loping well, so next fall she will be okay and not worried about going into a lope. It was about -15C today so we only rode about 30 minutes cause we couldnt stand it anymore. She did lope easier than last time, but she seems worried about slipping, even though its not slipperry in the arena. I have been working with her so much on stopping that now whenever I touch the reins she tries to stop, so we been spending lots of time keeping the same speed and turning. Shes getting better everytime I ride her and Im really starting to like her more and more.
I am gonna have to ride Princess next time I go up there and see if she will lope for me (yikes Im not holding out much hope) I keep looking outside and miss out on where Dinero is, cause he blends in so well! This is Gypsy, Belle, George, Dinero and Bailey.

Hope it warms up soon!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Lists For a New Year

Well I am very much a list person, I love to label everything and put it in a pile for later. I always make lists of everything I am gonna do that week or year or even for going to town. So of course I have to make new years lists. I figure if I write them down, that's kinda like being held accountable because then I can't just scratch them off cause I changed my mind. Some things will get modified throughout the year as it progresses and that's okay.

I make a list of one year goals, 3 year goals and 10 year goals, just so I always have something to work towards.

Horse goals include
-Getting 30-60 rides on Dinero after Lane starts him this spring
-Take Bailey to a horse show
-Go on a couple trail rides
-Buy a new horse trailer
-work with foals and halter break them

Woodworking goals include
-Finish Bonnie's nightstands and shelf
-Paint and fix up Tack shed
-Build a boot rack for house
-Finish my Moms doll cradle
-Build a pine bookcase to fit in porch

Other goals are
-Finish cross stitch to put in Hanna's Fall Fair
-Finish Western shirt
-Put in hydrant by horse pens
-Read stack of books (at least 100)
-Make perogies (prune and cheese, bacon, onion)

Well I think that should keep me busy for a while.