Anyhow onto more exciting subjects, Yesterday Neil took the puppy for a walk. I guess shes not really a puppy anymore cause she's almost year old. But anyways they walked down the road and saw the horses and she wanted to stop at every hole and see if anything was in them. I went out as they were coming back and Bailey galloped up to the fence where we were. Neil I think feels sad cause they just meander to him when he walks by, lol. Anyways while I was petting her and the others that came slower, a calf got through the fence and was wandering in the horse pasture. Gypsy saw it and was headed towards it and then saw the new hay bale, then looked back to calf, but hay won out and it was closer. Then Razz saw the calf and started heading over and she walked right up to it, nose on the ground, and when it seen her, it hightailed it off back along the fence with a big BAWL. Razz just turned and went to eat. It was so funny, you could almost hear the calf thinking "MOMMY a big black and white thing is gonna get me, HELP!!"
Today I was walking by the gelding and seen something funny. Here is Dinero when I first got him and he saw a cow for the first time (high alert):
and here is him this morning (quite a bit less worried, I think he likes em):
And while on my tour this morning, I had a look at the garden and it looks like I need to get out the roundup and rototiller.
At least the strawberries survived the winter, as did a few weeds and grass amongst them too.
that is a crazy amount to be out by! I presume this guy was not a farm accountant. I would almost want to check it again with someone
Ya he was from FBC, and we looked through our income tax and its done right, he was just totally out to lunch on the outcome, we are NOT getting him back next time thats for sure!
Hope you got a second opinion on your taxes! I'm just about ready to plant my garden- I can put in a few things this week, like corn, peas, onions, potatoes.
Yikes...I think I'd have a heart attack if we owed that much! We filed early with H&R Block and didn't owe anything this year and got a sizeable return. Whew! Of course that money is all gone now. lol!
I can't even think about gardening here yet. The snow is falling as I type this.
What are you planning on growing in your plot?
Looks like Dinero wants to be a cutter, sorter or reiner. hehe!
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