Oh and some kind of miracle transformation happened over night! (little bit sarcastic there!) I went out to feed the mares and Fly was peeing....and she has turned into a he! I was pretty sure I had checked, but I guess I should do the lift the tail check, not the look underneath check. oops. Oh well I still think HE is cute!
LOL! Its like you have a brand new baby! He she whatever, healthy and gorgeous is still true
LMAO!That means you have to send Linda the prize, didn't she say colt? I always lift the tail. you can't tel otherwise. When Kai was born, his **ahem** was all tucked up tight, he didn't drop till he was almost a week old.
ya, I heard its hard to tell, so I thought I looked pretty good, but apperently not, cause its deffinitly a boy.
Yaaaah! I knew it and it will be roan too, just wait. How are you going to tell Neil no now?
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