I like the way this shed was spit between two pastures
These two would just stand still, then run off as fast as they could to the other side of the pasture. They did it over and over again, it was kinda fun to watch.
I thought this Paint was really pretty
And he had a neat brand
This bay was pretty, but didn't want to look at me
I thought I could get a cool pic of this grey sticking her head out the barn door, but it didn't work as well as I imagined, too light in the barn I think
And one last Picture of my Bailey running across the pasture when she thought I was leaving her behind
Have you tried any of the photo editing programs? I bet Linda could give you some pointers on which ones to use.
I think the picture of the gray horse looking out of the barn worked out well. My current assignment in my photography class involves tearing pictures out of magazines that I like and figuring out the common thread. I discovered that I like simplicity with some kind of pattern. That picture fits.
Pretty horses and pretty country. I like the pic of the grey, kinda different but pretty
The grey horse photo is a good example of rule of thirds :)
Awww Bailey worried about being left behind is so cute!
The brand is neat....Double Lazy Arrow Ranch?
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