Feel free to use any pictures you would like from my blog, but I would like recognition please!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Since it has been so cold this week and I haven't been anywhere except out to check the ponies and feed the cats.  So I have needed something to do with all this crazy spare time.  So last week when I was at Value Village with my sister, I bought this puzzle she found for me.

The most amazing part is when I opened the box the pieces were still in the bag! It hadn't been opened yet, weird I think.  So All the pieces of the puzzle are kinda a weird shape which made doing the puzzle a little harder because the edges aren't so visible and you never are sure of which way a piece goes.

I was sorting the pieces into colors (green grass, blue sky, and all others) and I noticed some pieces had really cool shapes!  I don't know how they cut them into the pieces but too neat.

So now I have all the grass done and much more to work on today as its still -30 this morning, but the weather man is still saying warm for tomorrow, so here's hoping!

I don't have to worry about my truck today even cause if it really is warm tomorrow, I wont need to plug it in or anything and it should still start I think.  Since I have to go get it serviced in town, i need it to start.


Sherry Sikstrom said...

Looks like a great picture.I am terrible at puzzles, can never figure them out

Country Gal said...

Cant wait to see it all done ! I myself dont have the patients for puzzles, I like the pictures of them thats about it for me lol hope your truck starts ! Have a great day !

Rising Rainbow said...

My daughter, Lindsay, loves puzzles. We pick them up at the Goodwill store to keep up with her voracious appetite for them and we've come across a few of that brand as well. Lindsay loves them and is always looking for the "theme" pieces in them.

BridgeEtta said...

You are so patient.

5 Starr's Farm said...

Hi Crystal, Cute puzzle. Your asked about the pumpkin, not real got them at Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart and Tractor Supply my two big shopping stores, unless I drive to another town.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, have a great weekend.

Cheyenne said...

Good for you!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Cool puzzle. I've been given quite a few puzzles in my life, but I'm ashamed to admit that I usually give them away or take them to thrift stores. I just don't have the patience for puzzles because I am a "start a project today and finish it today" sort of person. Puzzles don't bode well with that type of personality, I'm afraid.

Stay warm,