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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cowhorse Clinic

This past weekend, we spent over at a cowhorse clinic with Greg Coffin.  He shows lots of snaffle bitter, does roping, ranchriding, cowhorse, cutting, and lots of colt starting.  He has tons of ideas for solving problems to get your horse where you want it to be.

We started Saturday with some basic loping circles, getting our horses soft and stopping.  Razz was having problems racing when we loped, so we went back to the trot and got her softening really nice!  I had been working on it, but my timing was off, so that really helped a lot to have someone talk me through it.

We worked on rollbacks and turnarounds too, I need to do more work on that, but after getting her shoulder to move over better its getting there.

We moved to the flag and Razz was drifting a little but I always was able to get her back to the flag and we did some of her best turns yet.

Then onto buffalos, it was awesome, she was not afraid of the buffalo at all, we had worked them one other time and she was a little wary, but this time I had to hold my cow side leg on her or we were way to close to them.  It was so fun!

On Sunday we went back and did a little bit of loping and stopping work then right on to the flag.  Razz was really bad, I couldn't get her near the flag, she just kept leaving, so Greg asked if he could get on her and he made her work the flag. They got really close.  Then I got on and he told me exactly what I have to do to get her near the flag.  It worked!  So much nicer when he knew what she was doing, so he could tell me exactly what to do to correct it.

Then the buffalos, Razz was awesome again, she even kept the buffalo pushed against the wall when they tried to leave and turn.  So much more fun when I know how to totally control her shoulders.  Razz actually was watching the buffalo as well, when they turned and left, she was right with them, she didn't stop with them, but I think that will come.

Jardi rode Kali (and Katie and Tangle) and Kali was awesome, especially on the buffalos!  I think even Jardi was impressed with her.  She was really watching and turning with them and stopping, I can't wait till I get to do all that fun stuff with her!


4RRanch said...

Wow, sounds like a lot of fun. A little scary with buffalo though.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

It's amazing what a little help does. That looked like a lot of fun. I wished there was another cutting clinic coming up here.

LOL-I see that buffalo and just know my buckskin horse would kill me trying to get away from it.

Country Gal said...

Looks like fun. Dont know about the buffalo I think I would rather stick to cattle for that lol.
your looking good on your horse.
Have a great day !

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

I am envious. I think cutting and herding are skills that most horses enjoy.

Nan said...

That sounds like a fantastic time!

Rising Rainbow said...

That sounds like a wonderful time.

I am always interested in ideas about moving shoulders. What did he have you doing there??

5 Starr's Farm said...

Your braver then I am with the buffalo, but what a fun weekend.

Shirley said...

You lucky lucky girl! I'm so ready for a cutting clinic. It's so helpful to work with someone who really knows what they're doing.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Sounds great ! and even better that your clinicia was prepared to get on your horse and feel the issues himself.Didn't used to be too many that would

Paint Girl said...

Sounds like an informative clinic. That is cool with the buffalo! Also don't think I would want to try that!

gtyyup said...

Good clinic! Having some help like that sure makes a world of difference.

Janice Grinyer said...

Buffalo? Whoa! And you nailed him to the wall, thats neat!