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Monday, July 11, 2011


Well after my Saturday post and Fernvalley's comment, I got thinking all weekend about Jamaica.  And she is right about the safe place for him.  But he is comfortable anywhere I am as long as I am not touching him.  I knew this too, he has never really been comfortable with my touch, so I went out and just rubbed him all over and over and over again until he was relaxed with that.  I started with his withers and chest moved to his legs and belly and face, no specific spot seemed to bother him more than the rest so I just kept scratching till he was okay and even enjoyed it.   Always before I would wait till he let me scratch him and I called it good. But he never was relaxed or accepting of my touch, he just put up with it cause it was only gonna be a second or so.

Well it must have worked cause yesterday I walked right up to him and his rope was over his neck and I scratched him the fixed the rope and he just stood there and licked his lips!  I was so happy with him and this all took only like 30 seconds.  I think I messed up before but we maybe have it figured out.  Whew.  I knew something was missing but I didn't clue in.  I should have realized, but he never reacted negativly so I thought he was okay with it.  Skipping steps, should never happen even if the horse is quiet.  I know that too just forgot I guess. That why I like being at Jardi's, cause there is always someone around who will give and idea of something that might work, but now I got blog friends too :)  Now we can really accomplish stuff like getting his feet trimmed and gelding and hopefully he will be able to get out of the corral soon.


Sherry Sikstrom said...

Yay ! glad you got it figured Sound like he is sweet colt

Shirley said...

Colts get a little worried when their normal existence is interrupted, Jamaica just needed to know that it's a good thing, nothing to worry about.
Sounds like he's a smart boy.

5 Starr's Farm said...

Glad it all worked out...

lisa said...

That is great! I finally went to my older horse to get my skills up to work with my five year old. Annie is teaching so much and she used to be standoffish and now she is doing more and more for me everyday! Sure makes you feel good doesn't it?