(this is how I saw her for a long time, she'd watch but wouldn't turn to face me)
Anyways the next morning seeing as I was told she was halter broke and gentle and so I just went out there expecting to walk up to her and catch her. Well no. Apparently halter broke doesn't mean knows how to be caught. So I moved her to a smaller pen so I could actually do something with her, got her caught and treated(it wasn't pretty that day) and left her in there. Well she run the fence and she didn't care if I was there or not so I let her settle down and put Trio with Razz and Jessie and she was totally calm and fine about that. Weird how a yearling can be calmer and more relaxed about new things.
So after she finally quit freaking out, I went back and thought I could make frineds with her and help her over her worries. Well it started slowly, I been feeding her everyday off a bale and so she started looking for me to feed her, eventually she started nickering when I came out, good start. And then I went and stood in her pen and visited my other ponies, she would stand close and then one day she walked up to me and I could pet her neck. Good sign. A few says of that and I figured it was time to get the halter. Well no good. I walked in there with a halter and she sticks her nose in the corner. OK well I just put it down and got my whip and made her move around and round penned her in a square pen until she faced me. Took a while and only lasted till I picked up the halter, so I held the halter and did it again. Took longer but got there. I pet her and quit. Came back and did it again a few days was getting so much better. So started to put the halter on her, no go as soon as I got to her she'd be fine while I put it on her nose but left before I got it done up. OK more work. Finally she quit moving and just faced her butt to me, so I just kept tapping her butt until she moved it away from me (was super hard not to hit harder but I know that doesn't help, lol) and it only took a minute till she faced me and I pet her and walked up to put halter on again, same thing. OK more tapping, only took a second and she turned and stood facing me while I put on the halter. Yay! Finally!!! Gave her big scratches and let her relax and took it off.
(just hanging out having fun and relaxing and taking selfies lol)
The next day started over again, and brushed her girth area, oh that was a jump. Guess shes never been touched there before. Well we dealt with that and not a big deal the second time, I think I just caught her off guard. Which is OK cause she jumped a bit but was no big deal, calmed down easy, I like that. So every day kinda been building on that. Still feel unready for a clinic this weekend specially if she is so unsettled as she was as when she came to my house, and I don't know if I can tie her, not sure I will take her, might take Dee and still get help and ideas I can do with Chili at home, still undecided, lol I got a couple more day I guess.
(weird swelling over her rump, and if you biggify the last pic it looks
like a poor fitting saddle, lol only I know its not
cause shes never had a saddle on)
It must be so rewarding to help a horse feel comfortable around humans, and be successful at it.
Pretty reactive at first, but they do come around after a bit of work! Glad your back is better.
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