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Monday, June 15, 2015

More Brandings.

We had a day off after our branding....actually 3! But I went to the massage on Wednesday and that was exhausting, she's tough on me.  And Thursday we went to Brooks to try and order our house again....what a schmozle.  Never succeeded yet.  That's 3 times we been in and a couple hours each time and maybe next week we will have better luck.  Then 2 brandings Friday that were both cold.  And another Saturday that's always kinda  a fun one....not too many calves and good company i enjoy going there.  Got a few photos there but not many cause I had to work.

Then today another one and I took Dee.  She was super good since I hadn't ridden her since January and never around cows but after I got off I seen she had an abscess?fatty growth on her inner lip.  Never seen anything like that before.  Guess a vet trip is in order if I can fit it in.
Tomorrow we load 50 cow/calf pairs to go the community pasture.  Trucks coming at 9 so its gonna be an early morning.  And Wednesday I am going to help a neighbor move cows across the highway and Thursday an all day branding and Friday another branding and finally a day off next Saturday.   Whew I'm gonna need it.


Shirley said...

Yeah you are busy! At least you're getting some saddle time. Dee sure strides out nice.

lisa said...

The time of year that things seem to never slow down. I love my massages, after about the second day I had it done.