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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bad Show and Company

Well last week went 3 times and rode, one was a mess my horse was being such a dork he would suck back then leap ahead when we worked cows and so I kept looking at him instead of the cows and then of course I would fall forward.  Good thing the coach was in a good mood, I sure had him laughing by the time we were done.  Luckily Wednesday and Friday lessons were much better.  But as I go Friday the one girl comes up and says I'm not entered for the show Saturday.  I hadn't even looked just thought he entered me like always before.   Well no there was some confusion but luckily he knows the guy hosting it so he phoned and got me in.  I was last in the class because of that and the list was all made up already.

It was a horrible show.   So many entries and by the time it was my turn to get my horse the nice weather had turned to a blizzard and my horse was a bit prancy outside but we got him ready and they loped him lots and he was sweaty and tired but not really listening to me or ready but then it was my turn anyways.  And we go in and get in the herd and I picked a cow and no one was paying attention and I lost it.  Well at this point knew no real score so I just worked on my herd work, second cow was better but we kept stopping short and then I lost my balance and accidentally spurred him at the wrong time with the wrong leg ugh.   So picked a third cow and made him get up to the fence, its hard to do that (for me).  Afterwards I was told I had too sharp of spurs by the other turnback but I told Doug what happened and he said hes done that too and he didn't think they are too sharp either.  Ugh went home and thought on it for a while, not good.  But the lady I met at the first show got a new horse and she is super nice, she went right before me and she even won money!  So excited for her, only her second show cutting and shes already in the money.   One day it will be me (I hope)

Then Sunday my aunt Bonnie come out and stayed for 4 days so that was nice for a change.  I missed riding but I am going back today, kinda nice to have  a few days off.  I got to get my pony in if I'm taking her to a barrel race on the 23rd,  I like having them out but seems like winter (what little we had) is pretty well over so I'm thinking its time.


Shirley said...

Maybe a few days off will be good for Easy. I think Jessie will be happy to get back to work though, she seems like a nice mare.

Country Gal said...

Sorry to hear your horse was not in good form . Maybe next time things will be better for you both ! Horses can be like children when you want them to be have they don't and vise a versa ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

TeresaA said...

Those days can be really frustrating. But company is fun

Sherry Sikstrom said...

too bad about the show, but you went and gave it a go so that is something

4RRanch said...

So disappointing I know. All that work for 2 1/2 minutes without success. That was one reason we started endurance riding. All that work and then 6 hours of competition and no judge. Hope the next show is better for you.

Linda said...

It's all good..something to learn from. I'm hoping it's spring too but we still have way too much ice to ride outside yet....maybe next week I'll think about getting the boys in from the winter field.