She warmed up and me and Jardi went to get some coffees from Tim Hortons cause it was cold and rainy and so we needed to warm up.
Her first barrel is usually good, but she has a habit of thinking they aren't gonna make it and says whoa just coming up to it, which isn't good cause to Rou whoa means stop, so there's always a slow down and a loss of time (and a barrel knocked over this time)
The second barrel was much nicer, although I took the picture too soon to see that, oops.
The third barrel was nice too and I took it a little soon, but at least it was outside and the light wasn't bad, so the pictures turned out clear, I might have to go with her another time cause there she wants to sell Rou and has no action shots of her.
I also would like to go because I have always wanted to run my horse on a track and there is one there they use it to warm up on.
We just got back from the US and the thing I missed most.......TIM HORTON'S!!
Just getting caught up on your blog posts, my internet has been iffy lately. I liked your Sunday Stills, Eeyore is so cute, and I have a crazy Elmer too.
The fall scenery is still looking green there compared to other years when it's all burned off by now.
Dinero is looking good, love the second shot of you and him. Maybe you can take him on next year's blogger ride.
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