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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Race Day

There is a marathon in Drumheller every year, I never have gone to it, had no desire to go to it.  But what I never realized was there was also a half marathon, a 10K and a 5K.  Well after talking with friends, I figured surely I can run 5K even if I haven't been doing a lot of running this year, even if I have to walk half of it, well I told Neil and he decided he wanted to try and just walk it to see if he could, so we entered.

It started at 8 so we were there by 7 to get registered, no preregistering for us, lol and that was nice, sure a lot of excitement going on down there, they even had a warm up lady for us to get us going.  We started and I started slowly jogging and it was all good till about 1K and I just wanted to fall down crying my shins hurt so much.  The route went by the seniors home and I was super temped to just stop and sit with them and watch the rest.   I was kinda angry I been resting like I was told and I had lots of air and energy coulda gone a lot farther but now I could hardly move.  Neil come and passed me and so did a lot of other people.  It was all I could do to keep going, I walked awful slow and stretched till about 3K and they felt a little better so walked a little more normal and even made it back to a jog for the last half K.  It was awful, I come in with a time of 47:45, Neil with 45:59.  The first guy crossed at 23:23 haha no way I could ever do that but that was a lot slower than I wanted, I was pretty upset.

But at the finish line was a guy handing out water and medals and fruit and all along the route was cheerers and it was kinda cool.  I would so do it again when my shins get better which I am gonna have to be more proactive about healing them up but I have till next fall to go in this one again.


Country Gal said...

Good for you both that was awesome ! I would have to be carried across the finish line if I ran that far lol ! Walking yes I could walk for days but run ? lol no way . You should both be very proud of yourselves good going WOOHOO !! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Sherry Sikstrom said...

well done