On Friday, we went to a branding for the ranch I used to work for, its always a fun one, but busy. That evening I went to my Moms and scrap booked. I am soo close to finishing 2009, I think I have like 3 pages left. That will be nice to get done, I already have 4 albums for this year already and its only half over.
On Saturday morning i went garage sailing with my mom, and I spent all of 85cents. I got some canning jars, lids, 2 books, an embroidery hoop, and some tire sealant for Neil. Not too shabby I think.
When I got home, I didn't want to do anymore, but weeded some garden then went to bed. Yesterday Neils mom and dad came out and then that evening I went to a bridal shower, and trail ride, and Bailey was horrible. I guess that's what I get for only riding her like 3 times in 3 months, so I know its my fault and will try to get to her more now that she seems a little better.
Then today a neighbor asked us to help move his cows. It was a long 7 miles in hot hot weather. And I never thought to bring my camera, grr I hate that!
However before I left I went to check the horses, and was surprised to see Gypsy, Fly and Jazz in the corral. I was a little worried, but Jazz wasn't. On the other side of the dam, was Belle, Jamaica and Razz, just eating not paying any attention to anything else. It was weird, but I took advantage of it and took some pics of Jazz by herself.
Her and Fly were so cute eating out of the same pile
Until he chased her off, Like mother like son I guess.
And I just love the look on her face her, its almost as if shes asking me for help.
Gorgeous baby ! Hope you catch your breath soon , busy gal!
That filly is looking good. The babies start hangin' out together and the mom's don't worry so much about them after they are about 6 weeks old.
The heat is killing me or maybe it's just the warmth and the humidity combined. Then there's those swamp bombers (mosquitos), yuck. Oh well, it could be 40 below and my drive way could be blown in with snow for another 2 weeks so I'm going to quit complaining and enjoy the good parts while I can.
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