He was just sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I called Neil to fix it and he was in slow motion cause he doesn't really want to. Finally he went and looked and he was way littler than my firsts shot.
We got him out of the house and no harm done, the dog never even went after him when we throws him outside.
Neil went up to Stettler to look at the fences and stuff out there, and they have had inches of rain in the last week, so its super wet. There are a few spots he has to go back and fix because he never brought his chainsaw. I asked why, because every year there are trees that fall on the fence and he has to cut them down, and he says, sorry I'm laughing, he brought a handsaw but he got tired! Oh my I can only imagine.
Oh and I think I mighta posted on Bailey before, but I'm not sure because I'm not sure what really happened.
In March I took her over to Jardis to ride for a while since Princess had her abscess and I had taken Razz home. I know Bailey gets stressed in the corral when there are lots of horses around, so I mentioned this to Jardi and she agreed we would keep her in her own little pen, beside the others, but they can't get to her. This was going well, then we thought we would turn her out at night because they were running on like 800 acres there should be enough room for 25 horses out there. Well we are not sure, but we think one of the other horses walked towards her and she freaked out (yes she does that) and went to turn and slipped on ice or got stuck in a muddy spot. Not sure since no one seen it and she didn't look sore when she came in the next morning. I rode her a few more times but she wasn't getting better so I took her home.
We think she injured the tendon up from her stifle on the inside of her leg, cause that's where she was sore when we massaged it, ans she wouldn't trot. She would lope and walk, but no trotting, and she has recently but not much.
We have a neighbors branding this morning and I was going to take her cause she looks way better and he likes to bring his cows in slowly (like me) but he just traded his cows for purebred this spring, so not sure how they move and I dint want to undo 2 months of recovery in one day.
Oh and the babies are growing soo much!
Ooooh. I love seeing what kind of snakes people have in their areas. We actually don't have any snakes where I am, but I used to seek out snakes when I was a kid on summer vacation. I was fascinated with poisonous vs. non-poisonous snakes and all their markings. The foals are looking good.
I hope that little guy is not 'The harbinger or doom,' as in the first of many. I think it's too wet for snakes here. I hope it's to wet for snakes here.
EEEEK!!! SNAKE! I like them almost as much as mice >I hate to be a girly girl about it but I am . lol. The babies look wonderful. I don't remember reading about Bailey's injury , hope she keeps healing well. Did you read about Bluequine on my blog? Kevin does great work and I think he is in the Calgary area fairly often , not too far from you guys
Here is where I wrote about them
http://fernvalley01.blogspot.com/2010/03/little-something-different.html (sorry just cut and paste I don't do links)
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