We had lots of help, which was nice. There's a city kid who was Neils nieces boyfriend a few years ago and come to help, and every year he can't wait for when we brand so he can be out helping to wrestle calves. We sure ain't gonna turn down help! but not very often we get city kids out.
The weather was cool and windy, but that's nothing unusual. As far as I can remember (at least 6 years) it has been cool and windy and sometimes even raining by the time its over. Fortunately no one seems to mind and just keep working til they are done.
We had sliced roast, ham, hash brown casserole (or funeral potato's to some), pasta salad, onion salad, buns, and Tim Horton's donuts for desert. and of course a beverage of choice.
I feel kinda left out cause I never got to help roundup cause I don't have a horse to ride, but I got to take lots of pictures.
We had the cows separated into two bunches, one is the main herd, and the others is the two year olds and a bunch of older cows. The will go up to our place at Stettler next week, so we just kept them separate and did two little brandings.
Great picture taking when you don't have to work, eh?
I would rather proccess on a cooler day . We have done it when it is screamin hot and tempers can flare. Looks like it went well, and without a horse you make a great photographer
Glad you got yours done.....hopefully we'll get ours done without having to change dates. Great pictures.
Thanks for sharing. I living where branding isn't done, that I know of. I find the life of people who really use horses for more than a weekend trail ride so enlightening.
You did get some good photos,bet it kept you busy! I like the closeup of Michelle dragging. Your new header photo shows a contented little herd. You might want to change the color of the font on it though; it's hard to see!
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