Feel free to use any pictures you would like from my blog, but I would like recognition please!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Turned Out!

Went and rode Easy yesterday again, he was soo good.  He was outside again so got him and got all ready, weather was so warm and sun was super bright just a good day to ride.  We warm up in the indoor and we were trotting around and then he spooked!  At the snow sliding off the metal roof.  All he did was lift his head up to the sky and went a little faster, whew no sideways so stupidness just faster, then calmed down and back to work we went.  All the horses were feeling a bit fresh cause of the warm weather.  Even after we worked cows and he was tired he still jumped at the snow even though we weren't in the arena anymore.
(the video of us cooling out from last time that wouldn't play)

(and him and the stall horse grooming each other, sounds painful)

He has only 2 cows in, one to work and one to sit in the middle and it was really good, I was amazed. I still gotta work on going right up to the fence and not leaning when I wanna turn but its coming.  He figured that was good we should stop but decided one more cow wont hurt, so we switched out and the next cow was a little different, she ad her head down then would just turn and run, we had to really pay attention to her, but it was good and we got lots of good turns on her and ended super happy!  Yay!!!  Then groceries on the way home, seems expensive but I shouldn't have to go for another month, well besides fruit and veggies and maybe milk.

And today the ponies in the corral are out of hay so I turned them out, gonna bring them in maybe beginning of March when it gets warmer out and for now just focus on Easy.  I plan on going every Monday, Wednesday and Friday there and the winter series shows so that should keep me busy. They were happy to be out and just to make sure no one was getting picked on I watched for a while, I was a little worried about Pally but Dee was super good and protected her.  They all met and a few squeals but lots of room out there and they were all looking for grass when I left so should be OK now.
(Dee just calm)

(Pally running towards me...and the gate)

(I love this!)

(wow 7 horses)

(so hard to see Trio but shes hiding behind George and Razz)

(Jess showing off with all her feet off the ground)

(Play time!)


(Trio, Bailey and Jess comin back)

(Jess favorite pastime)

(Trio and Bailey, love the mane!)

(Razz showing off her bendy moves)

(Trio Jess and Bailey coming back towards me)

(Razz posing)

(Dee protecting Pally from George)

(And Pally giving her thoughts)

(and off they go again)

I got way too many pics cause I was watching but its so fun!  So weird having 7 horses out there, been a long time since I had that many, just seems like work!  Good thing Easy doesnt know all my other horses are on rest, but he will be out there next winter I think


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Frolicking fun. What kind of horse is Pally?

Mrs Shoes said...

LOVE pics of horses dashing in the snow!