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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wet Branding

A week ago Wednesday we had a branding scheduled.  All day it was kinda drizzly and so we asked it if was still on and she said it was cause she isn't branding and there was no other day close she could pick.  I was rounding up and boy did Jessie think I was crazy when i pulled her out of the trailer and put her bridle on in the rain.  But she was good.  It wasn't really cold out just wet.  We got the cows in and cut out some cows and it was a muddy mess in the corrals.  We took a break, I put Jess in the trailer and she was dry the rest of the time, not like the rest of us.

Everyone showed up and we got it done.  Then she had supper at the hall and I sure wished I had brought a spare set of clothes but I didn't so I was wet everywhere, except my head because I wore my togue.  I was laughed at but it was warm.  I wish I had a slicker tho, might have to invest in one.  One guy had one he got at the CFR, it was nylon and folded up into a tiny pouch it would be nice I could keep it in my trailer all the time.

By the time we left the hall after supper it had quit raining, of course.  But she was done and it was all good.  Much prefer a warm day than a cold and wet one, but it gave us something to talk about.


Shirley said...

Wrangling calves in the mud is no fun! Much better to be horseback.
I have one of those Aussie slickers, I call it a monster coat because it's heavy but it sure keeps you dry and warm. I usually roll it up and tie it behind my saddle if I'm trail riding. I'd rather have a cordura one but they are more money than I want to spend.

CDH said...

Yuck! The mud! And no slicker? I have an outback tied to the back of my saddle and a sweatshirt, just in case.