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Friday, June 13, 2014

Rushing Out To Pasture

So Shirley always gets theses wonderful shots of her ponies running and playing and I thought it must be because she has them locked up at night and they were happy to move around and be free.  Well the last few days (maybe a couple weeks, time flies) I been locking my ponies in the corral all day and letting them out at night hoping for some good picture opportunities.  None came.  So I took a video a couple nights ago and I guess maybe its cause I got all older broke horses, no silly ponies here wasting energy when they could be eating or getting scratches.  Not that I am complaining I like having no young ones around its makes my life easier for now.


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Gorgeous horses.

Shirley said...

Sometimes I have to encourage them to move out- I like them to do that because with being locked up at night and grazing during the day, they don't run around much, and I think young horses need to gallop a bit every day. But even Beamer will take off running when I turn him loose- mostly because he wants to go to the end of his paddock and see if the kidz are turned out where he can see them! But lots of times they would rather just drop their heads and eat.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

quiet exits are good too