My sister came out and stayed for 5 days....well her boys too. That sure was a fun time but exhausting as well. We went swimming at the Aquaplex in Drumheller one day, and looked at the hoodoos and climbed the big dinosaur and down to the river at Emerson for a birthday party, and My Mom and Clint come out for a BBQ as well!... and Calaway park on the way home And in between we walked lots and visited lots and the boys played on bales, rode bikes, Pogo-sticked, and helped Neil, Neil was teaching Tristan to weld. They sure would like to come out longer I think. They were kinda sad Jessie was at the trainer so they didn't get a chance to ride but maybe next year I will be more prepared for that.

They come out Thursday night and Heidi was doing a course that day for work and afterwards I picked them up and we went for supper and then headed out here, we stopped in Strathmore to buy a birthday present and then again in Drum to buy groceries. It was about 11:30 when we got here and the tent wasn't set up yet. I had borrowed one from Charlene and so I had set it up before and knew it was easy so we just went to set it up even though it was late. I told the boys to be quiet cause Neil was sleeping and I thought it was weird he didn't leave the light on though. We got the tent up and the boys blew up their air mattresses and were all set and then Neil drives in the yard! Haha he stayed out to finish baling that's why no lights were on and we never woke him up. We all had a good laugh at that!
The next day we decided to go swimming cause I never been to the pool and the boys LOVE swimming. It was really cool, the outdoor and indoor were open and they have tonnes of floaties and we tried them all, everything from a canoe, to a giant hippo to a weird rocket ship thingy and of course rings. Then we went up the big dinosaur and we stopped at the hoodoos on the way home. There are tonnes of hoodoos in the valley but there is one set where it is all set up for tourists, parking, bathrooms, paths and all but we went to a different one that we could climb on and not be surrounded by people (it was the long weekend after all)
(The boys in the dinosaurs mouth)
My sister just got a fit bit exercise tracker and I been using my map my run to map my rides and walks so we did a lot of walking while she was out too. One day we walked down to the creek and up a different hill and we walked a couple times down the road, once the 2 mile way and once all 4 miles (there and back). She is supposed to do 10, 000 steps a day which is about 4 miles so no problem that day.
My Mom and Clint both have birthdays in July and we were having trouble finding a time to all get together so we invited them out when everyone else was here and it was awesome. We had a BBQ supper and they opened presents, my Mom walked with us (the 2 mile walk) and we saw a snake on the road and my sister wanted to touch it but every time she got close it would move and she would jump back. It was soo funny she just couldn't do it, lol.
Then Neil's Mom had a birthday and they were down at Emerson campground and so we headed down there for the afternoon. It was a nice place down there, but boy were the mosquitoes bad. We hardly have any at home anymore so we were unused to that. It was a good time anyway we had a fire and cooked supper and just visited.
(Manitoba smore, inside a chocolate chip cookie)
One day it was a little chilly out and we had wanted to create something so we looked though cookbooks and found a recipe for peanut butter fudge, it looked easy so we made it, although we did add chocolate icing on top and it was awesome! And I had bought creamsicle icing down in Great Falls last time and really wanted to try it so we had chocolate cupcakes with it on, boy were they good too!

Then it was almost time to leave :( But we decided we should go to Calaway Park, so we stopped at Heidi's and dropped everything off and headed out there. Been a long time since I been and boy its still fun! Had a lot of fun on the roller coaster (its my favorite roller coaster I ever been on) and then we did lots of other rides, including a train. Jaret puked after one ride and didn't really wanna go on anymore rides after that, but I think it was all in his head cause he sure had no problem eating candy or a full supper afterwards. But we went on some anyways, lol. I even made them go on the carousel, lol and I rode a black and white paint :) I was hoping Mary Poppins would come along and we could leave the ride but she didn't
(we even saw Mario's wife, lol)
(rainbow the clown and his tiny sandwich)
(Tristan watched the creepy rabbit show instead
of going on the bumper cars with us!)
(our fashion statement, ziplock bags over our cameras in
case we went on a wet ride (and we did))
(and Sherry I took this for you, an appy seagull, lol)
All in all a fun time, cant wait to do it again next year :)