Friday, January 30, 2015
Scary Scary Fun
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Last fall I was posting on a comment on some lady who was looking for a horse amd I thought Dee might work for her....she wasnt wanting to spend that much and thats fine. But while on there a lady posted she had some black paints for sale. So I stupidly (or rather just impulsivly) asked her about them. Well turns out they are exactly what I would be looking for if I was looking. Which I wasnt at the time.
Well I kept coming back to them...she finally sent me pictures...not too much white like I like. Cow bred, quiet temperment, not too big. Well I ciuldnt resist. So last Monday I went to look at them. There is a yearling and a 4 year old. Both full sisters. I was thinking a 2 or 3 year old but they were geldings and id prefer a mare. She also has the 5 year old and he was broke and quiet the 6 year old was doing drill team in Rimby.
We went and looked at the mare and she was quiet nit broke and not an in your face mare but nice. She's from twin arrows so all cow bred...and pretty. The sire was there too. He is now gelded and lives with the mares all year. Hes 18 and was a ranch horse and stud on some ranch out east then a stud on a small place before they got him. Hes super friendly and super quiet....but they had lots of foals and she likes the arabs so she is going that way...already has some half arab paint colts and they are pretty nice. Has a older arab stud she used to show on until she had kids.
She said she bred for temperment then confirmation then color. He was bay. The mare black. And she had another couple mares as well but not related to the ones I looked at.
The older mare is halter broke good with feet and vaccinated and wormed. The young one nothings been done with her, but shes friendly enough we walked up and scratched her so it wont be a big deal.
The older mare is named odd but I imagine ill change it cause already had one of those around and yhats too confusing.
The younger is Trio cause she has 3 diamonds in a row on her neck. Of course now her mane is long it covers them but the name still sticks.
Didnt get any pictures cause I stupidly forgot my camera but she sent me a couple so thats what these are. Pretty sure they are home but not sure when. Im kinda excited about it :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Haha was fun. Wanted to get better pics and on all horses but I forgot till it was too late, maybe next year.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
New Cows
But in the meantime we got 30 new cows on the 21st of December and they are all 3 year old and darn expensive this year. But that was our plan and since calves were worth more I guess we can pay more for cows.
They come from our neighbor and he branded them and delivered them. We kept them in for a couple days then turned them out with out cows. They are super quiet I think they will be nice.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Razz Pictures