Haha Im a bit late but Happy New Year everyone. Time to make resolutions and blah blah blah. Actually I like making resolutions and I really like lists and keeping track of stuff so this year I am trying something new and made myself a binder for all the important stuff. Still working on it and what I like and dont like but after 3 days I like it so far, nice to have everything in one place.
Last year I had lots of goals
(written here) and some got done and some changed and some just never got thought of again. Well this year is a little different I have fewer goals but bigger ones.
1. Get out and cut, so much so that I am no eligible for the 2000 class in any NCHA show. I said something last year and Doug said it was possible in a year but wont be easy. That OK who needs easy anyways...and I got Easy (the horse, lol) Also in this goal is another one of getting more fit. I kinda been slacking last few years and I notice it when i ride now and if I wanna be competitive I need to be ready to ride and so I started a workout routine, got it all planned out which helps at least I know what I should be doing when.
2. Big scary news (for me anyways) If all goes well I am gonna breed Jess this year, sent away her 5 panel test and they were doing a special for either color or pattern, well shes sorrel no doubting that so I did pattern, she has a lot of white including a belly spot so we will see, not that it matters the stud Im thinking of is sorrel with white too so I kinda know the color of the foal already. Dont care about color but if it turns out well I am gonna put himéher in training. Yikes! Unless it sells haha and then Ill do it again :) But also because of this this fall I am gonna look at getting a bred mare so I have 2 foals they seem better that way. But I will be picky cause if I dont breed Jess back Ill probly wanna ride the mare so she has to be broke. Well that was a longer goal than I expected but kinda needed to be. No plans to breed Razz yet, I cant find a stallion I like enough for her. But Im sure I will eventually.

3. Clean out old house. Ya that was on my last year list but we just got the garage finished (after a good 6 months grrr) and this week just moved a freezer and fridge over so I couldnt do much before then althoguh I been slowly working on it.
4. Ride more. And Drive more. Now that I got Jax and a cart and harness for him I plan on doing a lot of driving :) and last year was a really poor year for riding so I will definitely have to up my game this year, specially with Easy he will need exercise at least 5 probly days a week. Im gonna start ponying him so hes not always rode will be nicer for him and hopefully get him more comfortable in the pastures. And to have more I need a starting amount. According to AQHA I have 24.5 All breed hours and 98.5 AQHA hours for a total of 123. Which is a lot more than I thought, most of it while Easy was boarded last winter but I need at least twice that to get through this year.
Oh and Shirley the mermaid, I got a better pic so you can see it, I love it! And Mrs Shoes I sure will share the recipe. tomorrow if I get time :)