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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Does the Garden Grow?

Well I have kinda been abandoning the garden lately, I have much more fun things to do than weed.  But none the less, the garden keeps growing.  So I was out there and so far it looks like the herbs are doing well.

And surprisingly the tomatoes are  growing and have actual tomatoes on them.  They were so small and so late when I planted them I never imagined they would get big enough to grow anything but I guess they have.

And Cucumbers, well all the ones I started early have died, but on the off chance one grew, I planted some seeds and they are flowering and look like they might grow into a cucumber if we have no frost for a while yet.

And the lettuce is still taking over, even though I am trying to eat it down, I think I planted too much but now I see I like the butter crunch better in the spring cause it grows faster, but now the  darker stuff looks like it is lasting through the heat better.

And the onions are doing good, of course, I have never had trouble growing onions, but they are the kind you want to cook cause for some reason they are really hot.  I was told it was because they need more water and they are cooler, but both last year with rain and cool weather every day, and this year where I been watering every other day, doesn't seem to make much difference.

And carrots, I think they are probly big enough for me to pickle pretty quick.  I will probly eat a few fresh, but pickled is my favorite way to have carrots.

Haha and the hot peppers are kinda a joke this year as well as last year, I guess we just haven't had enough hot  weather.  I  grew them for the first time three years ago and they grew so awesomely I though I found the perfect plant for our hot dry climate, but apparently it was either fluke or it can't take the rain and cool.

And potatoes, I never have a problem growing them either, but storing them is a problem, so I just grow enough we can eat fresh for a month or two then eat store ones.

And so all in all the garden is doing alright although a little weedy, but that's why I plant so close  together to avoid a majority of weeds, the only ones that seemed to grow are between rows and that's not too bad to get them out.


Janice said...

Grow Garden grow. Why is it do you think that weeds can grow anywhere all the time.You sound busy you make me tired just reading your posts.

Country Gal said...

Looks good hope you get a good crop of veggies ! Those onions look like Spring onions or others call them Green onions they are a little hot we use them in cold salads like potato salads, maccaroni salads, egg salad and so on they make it all taste good and add some color with its green ! Have a wonderful eve!

Cheyenne said...

There is nothing finer than veggies from the garden. Looks like you have a great crop! :) I usually lose all gumption by this time of year with weeds and just general looking after the garden-but still love to reap the benefits.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

not much of a gardener here, but I do love fresh veggies!

lisa said...

I sure know how you feel, the weeds seem to always take over because not enough time to get to it, but things are growing. My garden has less in it this year as I still have lots in the freezer yet and didn't need as much! Your garden looks pretty darn good. You probably have better soil, we have clay and it doesn't grow some things as well!

Linda said...

I had a great garden this year.......the voles are sharing it with me now:( They eat about half of everything.....except the onions.