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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Equestrian Challenge Day 4

Day 04- A ride that impacted your life

A ride that impacted my life, hmmm.  I absolutely have to say it was my first ride on Jessie.  Before her I never really knew what it was like to cut.  Still don't know why I was told it would be better to learn on the horse I had that had never cut that to go to a horse who knew the job.  Somehow in my mind I knew it too, but I liked Razz so much I ignored my inner voice (stupid!)  

The first time I got on Jessie I was a little nervous I never planned to ride that day and I never knew anything about the horse except she can cut.  But he said get on her she will be fine, even though she hadn't been ridden in 5 months.  That did not really put me at ease, nor did it when they changed her bridle while I was sitting on her.  But they were right and she was fine and I am pretty sure I was addicted to cutting the first time she cut a cow out of the herd and went with it.  It was the most amazing feeling and every time we cut I feel the same way.  I am pretty sure I learned more in that lesson than in the whole year before that.  However I do have to say that if I did not have the struggles and frustration with Razz, I am not sure I would have appreciated it as much.  So I guess circumstances do make the experience completely different and in this case so much better :)


Unknown said...

I can see how riding a trained cutting horse could be a life changer. How exciting!!!!

Country Gal said...

Some times a horse that is trained can help one to learn from them and work as one ! Have a good day !

Shirley said...

Oh what a feeling that must have been! I still remember the feeling the first time I rode a real sliding stop.

Cowgirl Red said...

Me too! Riding a cutting horse or a horse that was exceptionally Cow-ey was a game changer for me. Terah

Marissa said...

It is sooo hard to learn to do something and teach your horse to do something at the same time! While you may be more comfortable on your own horse, its so much easier to figure it out one mind at a time!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

After seeing video of you on Jesse I imagine it must be wonderful, I would likely fall off lol